
I watched a movie last Friday which was May 6th, 2016. There was an event in our school, and that was to watch a movie in the hall of our school. I went there with my friend, and the name of the movie was “The Great Gatsby.” I think it is famous because of the actor who is acting the role of Gatsby. Anyway, I watched the movie from 7:15 pm. There were bags of popcorn and chocolates. It was delicious and just right to eat while watching “The Great Gatsby.” I have heard of the title before I watched this on Friday, so I knew a little about this story. But, the only thing I knew was that it was about romance. Romance is not the genre I choose to watch, but I don’t dislike it.So, I was interested in watching this movie. I think it was my first movie to watch about the romance of 1900s. I was not sure what was happening at the first time, but it prevails the characters’ emotions and thoughts as the movie goes on. Actors were expressing their emotions well and the place used for recording the movie is beautiful. Also, I like the way Gatsby showed up. That scene was very mysterious and enjoyable because of his action and the background. As a result I enjoyed the movie. As the story goes on and all characters show their emotions and desires, I thought that the actors were really good at expressing characters’ feelings. Also, I like the way story was told. It was interesting and good way of getting back to the title. I was little sad about the ending because Gatsby could not get love from Daisy and died, but I liked the part where Gatsby’s friend who narrates the story wrote about Gatsby and add “The Great” to the title of the writing which was “Gatsby.” So, the name of the book he made was “The Great Gatsby” and it was a literary element of repetition. It was very interesting and enjoyable for me.

I am going to talk about the movie I like to watch. I can’t say that I have watched many movies because I would rather read books than watch movies. But, that does not mean I don’t like to watch movies. I like to watch movie. When I was in second grade, I liked to watch “Harry Potter.” I like the setting and the way Harry got his power of magic. It was surprising for me to watch the fantasy movie because things can’t be happened in the real world can happen in the movie. I enjoyed watching them. Other movies I liked was “Monsters Inc..” I liked this movie because it is funny and exciting. I liked the main characters. Because I liked this movie, I watched “Monsters University” last year with my friends. It was interesting and I was little surprised about the characters because they were so different from the “Monsters Inc..” I like both movies of the series, but I like “Monsters University” more. These are a few of my favorite movies. They are all enjoyable and exciting.

From this blog, you can understand that I like to watch movies! I like to watch movies and I want to watch interesting movies more!

See you on the next post!


2 thoughts on “Movies

  1. Thanks for sharing your feelings about movies. I’m a big fan of movies, although I don’t like many of the movies they make these days. I like movies from the 20th Century. I don’t have a particular type of movie I like, but there are certain directors I like. My favorite director is Alfred Hitchcock (check out Rear Window and North By Northwest). I also like Sergio Leone and David Lean. There are some Japanese directors I like, but they are long dead and mostly made black-and-white films: Ozu and Naruse. I also like some older French and Italian movies.


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