Time is Money

I sometimes feel that I was not using my time wisely. Even though I was enjoying the time I spend, I can’t stop from thinking about the better ways of using time. I think I know and understand that there are limited amount of time for the humans. I am one of those humans who don’t have unlimited time, so I always look for the best ways of using time. There are many things I want to do, and there are many things I have to do. I know I don’t have enough time to do all the things I want and need to do. So, I have to decide what to do first and what to do after that. It  may be difficult. For reason, I can’t stop doing what I want to. I always do what I need to do right at that time. But, after I finished what I have to do, my want to do what I want comes strongly into my mind. It sometimes prevents me from doing extra work to finish some works that have long due date. I know if I can finish it earlier than the due date, I will have fun time after that. But, the thought of doing what I want keeps me using my time for fun. The desire to have fun makes me do what I want to do, and it cause me to feel I was not using my time wisely.

There are a situation that makes me feel I was not using my time wisely, and that is when I can’t get the result I was expected. One day I was working hard to finish the homework whose due date is long enough that I didn’t have to finish it yet. I was working on it for a few hours. Then I got tired. So, I decided to watch TV while working on homework. After an hour, my favorite TV show starts and I stopped moving my hands to watch it. After thirty or forty minutes from starting to watch the TV show, I realized that I was not working on my homework. But, the TV show was so interesting that I could not stop watching it. At the end of the day, I felt I was not using my time wisely. Form these situation and my action, I noticed that doing both what I want and need is difficult. I learned that I have to concentrate on doing what I have to do in order to do what I want to do.

I sometimes think that if the things I want to do is the same as the things I need to do, I can feel that I am using my time wisely. If they are the same, I can do what I want to do while doing what I need to do. That means I just need a half amount of time to do both what I want and need to do. This is a wise use of time. By thinking this topic, I realize that enjoying the time I have spend and feeling a little bit of regret for the lost time are important. There are both positive and negative sides to decide the things you do first and after that.

Time is Money

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