Song and the Story

Last night, I used my computer to listen music. I like to listen music. There are certain music I listen when I want to concentrate. One of the music I listen is “Arthur’s theme (Best That You Can Do).” I like this song because of the way the singer sings this song. I forget the name of the singer, but his voice is very clear and beautiful. If I have time, I want to look for other songs the singer sings. The tempo is good, too. Its tempo is slow, but has a climax part which is just right tempo for me to listen while studying. It makes me relax and be calm. Also, I like the musical instruments used in this song. They fits with the tempo of the song. I don’t know much about the musical instruments, so I can’t say what musical instruments are used. But, it is really good. There is one part that one of the musical instruments have solo. I think it is saxophone, but I am not sure. I like this part. It makes me concentrate.

Last week, I was writing a story for homework and it is continuing. I had  the almost same homework in October or November. The only difference is that I may write 600 words longer than the previous homework. I am glad that the maximum amount of the words is raised. I had a difficulty with editing a story to make the words below 1000.

There is a homework that I have to write a story.  This is a second time for me to write a story as homework. The teacher told us that we will make one story per quarter. So, I have 3 stories including this one to make this grade. Last year, I made about one or two stories. It was not bad, and there were no limit for the amount of the words I can write. But, for this grade’s stories, I have limit for the amount of words. Last quarter, I may write maximum of 1000 and a little more. For this quarter, I may write 1600 and a little more. I may write longer than the last writing. It is very helpful because in order to make better writings, I have to add information to make the stories and characters fun and natural. If there are not enough details, the plot and the characters don’t seem natural. It is important to make the characters seem natural and act as humans. I prefer more words than less words. So, I am glad that the maximum amount of words is raised for 600 words. But still, my story is twice the amount of maximum. So, I have to shorten it a lot and I think it will take much time.

The negative part of shortening the story is that I have to delete many sentences that I took a lot of time to think and write. I don’t want to delete some of the words and parts because they all have some kinds of meanings to it. Some parts I already decided to delete contains a part that show the characters’ personalities. But, I have to do it anyway. So, I will try to make my story short and better.

Song and the Story

Time is Money

I sometimes feel that I was not using my time wisely. Even though I was enjoying the time I spend, I can’t stop from thinking about the better ways of using time. I think I know and understand that there are limited amount of time for the humans. I am one of those humans who don’t have unlimited time, so I always look for the best ways of using time. There are many things I want to do, and there are many things I have to do. I know I don’t have enough time to do all the things I want and need to do. So, I have to decide what to do first and what to do after that. It  may be difficult. For reason, I can’t stop doing what I want to. I always do what I need to do right at that time. But, after I finished what I have to do, my want to do what I want comes strongly into my mind. It sometimes prevents me from doing extra work to finish some works that have long due date. I know if I can finish it earlier than the due date, I will have fun time after that. But, the thought of doing what I want keeps me using my time for fun. The desire to have fun makes me do what I want to do, and it cause me to feel I was not using my time wisely.

There are a situation that makes me feel I was not using my time wisely, and that is when I can’t get the result I was expected. One day I was working hard to finish the homework whose due date is long enough that I didn’t have to finish it yet. I was working on it for a few hours. Then I got tired. So, I decided to watch TV while working on homework. After an hour, my favorite TV show starts and I stopped moving my hands to watch it. After thirty or forty minutes from starting to watch the TV show, I realized that I was not working on my homework. But, the TV show was so interesting that I could not stop watching it. At the end of the day, I felt I was not using my time wisely. Form these situation and my action, I noticed that doing both what I want and need is difficult. I learned that I have to concentrate on doing what I have to do in order to do what I want to do.

I sometimes think that if the things I want to do is the same as the things I need to do, I can feel that I am using my time wisely. If they are the same, I can do what I want to do while doing what I need to do. That means I just need a half amount of time to do both what I want and need to do. This is a wise use of time. By thinking this topic, I realize that enjoying the time I have spend and feeling a little bit of regret for the lost time are important. There are both positive and negative sides to decide the things you do first and after that.

Time is Money